new achievements

a funny thing happened on the way to my death – i discovered new things to do and i discovered new achievements and i discovered new feelings of satisfaction.  wow, life is certainly full of surprises – and we all start to know that fact as we grow older.  but, we also start to think that we should never be surprised by anything – as we see more and more things happen that we were not expecting.  from the world view, this is true – we see triumph and tragedy every day in different ways – so we become used to the unexpected.  but, on a personal level, in our own lives, we can still be amazed, wowed and excited.  we all get into our daily routines, our daily interactions, our daily exercises, the sports we are used to playing, doing, etc. – and we don’t think about trying something new – we are content in our routines.  but on a rare occasion we try a new sport or a sport we used to play as a kid.  one thing leads to another and we find ourselves on a team for this sport – mostly for the camaraderie, the friendship aspect.  and this provides some new experiences, some new connections.  but then we find ourselves in a competitive game and we find ourselves digging deep to compete and possibly win this game – with our teammates – and when we do win a tight game – with a renewed effort, a renewed vigor – we feel a new type of satisfaction that we have not felt in awhile – it is a rush – it is a thrill – it is something we were not expecting and it makes life richer and fuller – and it reminds us why we are on this earth – to live!  so if you feel something or someone pulling you in a new direction to get involved in something new, something renewed, something positive – say yes once in awhile – you might be surprised that there is something beyond the routine – that there are moments of exhilaration that you don’t want to miss out on.